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Having fun, writing about the stuff I like

The ‘Kaeffers’ are restless…

Oscar Foulkes February 23, 2007 Uncategorized No comments

I was reading a news report earlier today (at about the court challenges that have followed the announcement of the Kaefferkopf region as Alsace’s 51st designated Grand Cru area.

Given its name, and being South African, I immediately assumed political correctness to be the reason for the legal action.

But no, it seems that 37 growers, making up 15 hectares that had been excluded from the revised classification, were aggrieved at being prohibited from using the name in future.

Having watched Gallic intransigence in the face of conflict from afar, it can reasonably be assumed that the looming legal fees on both sides could easily turn those ‘de-Kaeffernated’ 15 hectares into the most expensive vineyards in France.

Dare one suggest that it would be cheaper for the French government to buy those vineyards now than defend the action in court?

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