Small Wins
I was uncertain whether to title this report “Small Wins” or “In Familiar Territory”, so let’s kick off with my thinking behind the latter option. Doing regular interval training takes me back to the years of training for, and participating in, the Absa Cape Epic.
The foundation is that there is work to be done, and it must be done. Not negotiable. Over the past couple of weeks, this commitment got me out on my bike in truly horrible conditions. All of it is familiar territory that is weirdly comforting. In the column alongside, you’ll see reference to “4 x 4 at 90% of max HR”. The whole thing takes an hour, including warm up and warm down, but the magic happens in the middle section, which comprises four repeats – each lasting four minutes – of riding uphill at 90% (or slightly more) of maximum heart rate. You may think it’s torture, but somehow it isn’t. And it results in a special kind of fitness.
So, even though I’m harbouring a condition that could have potentially dire consequences if left unchecked, I’m feeling amazing.
The ‘small win’ is that on one day in the past week I’ve had a blood pressure reading that was within sniffing distance of 130 over 80. Also, the diastolic number has often been in the 80s.
Coffee has entirely been replaced with cocoa drinks, and wine is off the menu for most of the week. I had a very social evening on Friday, with seemingly inevitable consequential elevated blood pressure on Saturday morning. I should mention that it dropped significantly after relaxing on the couch with my morning cocoa drink.
My blood pressure was also elevated on Sunday morning. For that, I blame a tense Springbok versus Ireland game the evening before (with calming red wine!).
A friend who read last week’s report shared a link to the Netflix documentary, Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut. We clearly have loads to learn about the routes to health.
Blood pressure didn’t feature as one of the conditions being addressed through the gut health of the subjects being followed. Having said that, since switching to cocoa drinks, my gut seems to be telling me that I need to increase the amount of fibre in my diet, if you get my drift.
The next step would be to get the systolic number to head in the same direction as the diastolic. I hope this doesn’t end up being too much like herding cats.
The Week in Numbers
BP: 164/93
Bike: 4 x 4 mins at 90% of max HR
BP: 152/87
BP: 150/90
Bike: One hour in zone 2, with a four-minute sprint
BP: 137/81
BP: 153/90
Bike: 4 x 4 mins at 90% of max HR
BP: 152/84
BP: 160/92
Bike: 2:13 on trail, mostly zone 2 and 3