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Having fun, writing about the stuff I like

Crabbing (but not crabby)

Oscar Foulkes July 28, 2024 Blood Pressure Interventions No comments

The two numbers that make up blood pressure – systolic and diastolic – move together, but not necessarily in directly proportional increments. Systolic (when the heart contracts to eject blood) is the top number. Diastolic (when the heart is at rest between contractions) is the bottom number.

This has been the second week of the diastolic number edging towards the magical 80. The systolic number isn’t as regularly heading in the direction of the 130s, but it also hasn’t been doing a bunch of spiking. The movement of the numbers could be described as “crabbing”.

Well, at least there’s movement that feels in some way like progress.

My GP has applied for – and received – medical aid approval for the treatment of my hypertension as a chronic medication benefit. On the one hand, I know that I can call in the heavy artillery at any time. On the other, I am aware of the broom wagon following me, so I’m determined to keep pedalling.

I’ve learned that blood pressure has multiple moving parts. Here are a few correlations I’ve observed:

  1. Poor sleep seems to elevate BP.
  2. Immoderate consumption of wine (beyond a couple of glasses) elevates BP. Whether this is a function of diminished sleep or too much alcohol, I don’t know.
  3. Coffee can cause BP to spike (although I haven’t measured the duration of that).
  4. High intensity exercise seems to correlate with reduced BP.

I have not tried to reduce my salt intake, because I seldom add salt to prepared food (other than a pinch on my eggs in the morning).

I’m unable to say whether my consumption of cocoa has had any direct impact, given the other ongoing interventions. However, it’s facilitated the switch from coffee, which appears to have made a difference. Also, there are all kinds of feel-good effects from a high dose of good chocolate (i.e. low sugar and low/no alkalization). I’m keen to take this element to the next level, in due course, by taking part in a cacao ceremony.

I’m getting a second dose of feel-good from being fitter, specifically with increased VO2 max because of doing high intensity sessions. Interestingly, Discovery communicated this week that they will be rewarding members for improved cardio fitness, as measured by VO2 max.

It is to the field of fitness and training that I turn for reassurance in this project. It took many months of training for me to get fit enough to tackle multi-stage endurance events. This project could, similarly, take a few months, and there seem to be measurable gains.

So, while the numbers I’m watching may be crabbing, I’m certainly not crabby!

The Week in Numbers

BP: 155/88
Bike: 73 mins in zone 2/3

BP: 149/88

BP: 155/90
Bike: One hour in zone 2/3, with 6 mins in zone 4

BP: 141/89

BP: 154/94
Bike: 4 x 4 mins at 90% of max HR (zone 4)

BP: 152/81
Bike: One hour, mostly zone 2/3 with 5 mins in zone 4

BP: 145/85
Bike: nil (stormy)

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