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Having fun, writing about the stuff I like

Outgoing Mail Server Solution

Oscar Foulkes July 18, 2013 My Little Black Book, Web Tools No comments

As we move around with our mobile devices, switching between 3G connection and various WiFi networks, outgoing mail settings (SMTP) are as much an issue as when we moved around with laptops only.

The reason for this is that each connection to the internet – whether via LAN, WiFi or mobile – uses its own SMTP server. There’s no problem receiving mail using all these various networks, but if you want to send mail you need to change settings. The problem is this – in most locations no-one knows what the SMTP server is for that network. And, even if you could find it out, who wants to be bothered with adding new SMTP servers?

The solution is one I’ve been punting for several years, smtp2go, which is one outgoing server you use wherever you are, on all your devices (you can read more about it here).

(Disclosure: I earn a small referral fee as a result of sign-ups that originate from this site)

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